
Florist List

As a convenience we are providing a list of florists in the Macon County area.

To view each florists website click on their logos. Please feel free to use this list so you can make the necessary arrangements.


Hourans on the Corner

Svendsen Florist Inc.

Secret Garden Decatur

The Bloom Room

Penelope’s Pickings

Abbots Florist

Junction Garden Center

5th Street Flower Shop

Flower Connection


Social Security Benefits

The following checklist is prepared to help you file for your Social Security benefits correctly so that prompt payments may be made.


To receive monthly benefits, the deceased worker must have credit for work covered by Social Security ranging from 1 ½ to 10 years depending on his or her age at death. Those eligible for monthly benefits include:

  1. A widow or widower aged 60 or older (50 if disabled) or at any age if caring for an entitled child who is under 16 or disabled.
  2. A divorced widow or widower aged 60 or older (50 if disabled) if the marriage lasted 10 years or if caring for an entitled child who is under 16 or disabled.
  3. Unmarried children up to 18 (19 if they are attending a primary or secondary school full-time)
  4. Children who were disabled before reaching 22 as long as they remained disabled.
  5. Dependent parent or parents 62 or older.

Lump-Sum Death Payment

A one-time payment of $255 is paid in addition to the monthly cash benefits described above. The lump-sum death payment (LSDP) is paid in the following priority order:

  • A Surviving spouse who lived in the same household as the deceased person at the time of death.
  • A surviving spouse eligible for or entitled to benefits for the month of death.
  • A child or children eligible for or entitled to benefits for the month of death.


Applying for Benefits

You must apply, to receive benefits. You may apply at any Social Security office by telephone at 1-800-772-1213 or online at

Grief Support Services

Coping with Grief & Loss

Finding the right therapy to be happy again.