
Obituaries » Darrell Munyon

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Darrell Munyon

August 4, 2023

Obituary Viewed 440 times

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Darrell Lynn Munyon of Decatur passed away on Friday, August 4, 2023. Arrangements provided by Central Cremation Center. He was a US Army Veteran who served overseas.

He leaves behind his daughter, Julie Ater of Springfield, and son Matthew Munyon of Taylorville, as well as sister Dixie Kane of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and several nieces and nephews. He also leaves behind close Christian friends Connie Sellars and Linda Creek.

Darrell is preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Ruth Munyon and his son Christopher.

Darrell was a truck driver with Coca-Cola Services in Decatur. He also worked for the Grigoleit Company as well as worked in carpentry.

His wishes are to be buried with his Christian friends, Thomas and Connie Sellars in Winchester.